Southeast Scholarship Application

NOTE: Please include your first and last name in all files submitted online and use proper Upper Case/lower case when completing this application. Scholarship Award Luncheon held the 1st Friday in August – All recipients are highly encouraged to attend to accept their award.

Contact Information
Current Street Address
Home Address (if different from Current Street Address)
Program Information
School Street Address
Financial Need
Career Goals
Application Certification
Submission Instructions
  • Satisfactory completion and submission of scholarship application
  • Submit by mail or email: Acceptance letter or equivalent documentation from the school the applicant is attending.
  • Submit by mail or email: Current FAFSA report.
  • Submitted by mail or email individually from each of the two references on the required Reference Form: References may not be relatives, but may be a current or past employer, instructor, coach, volunteer supervisor, or minister and must be submitted on the required Scholarship Reference Form. References must be able to attest to the character and qualifications of the applicant.
  • Submitted by Registrar’s Office after spring semester; ordered by student before May 31st: Transcript including final spring grades must be ordered before by May 31st and must be sent directly from the Registrar’s office to Mercy Health Foundation Southeast.


Call 573.519.4920 or email: [email protected] with any questions.

Two different references required:

• References can be sent by mail or email.

• References must be submitted directly from the person providing the reference.

• References cannot be relatives, but may be a current or former employer, instructor, coach, volunteer supervisor or minister.

•References must be able to attest to the character and qualifications of the applicant.


• A transcript with final spring grades must be ordered from the attending registrar’s office before May 31.

• Transcripts must be mailed directly from the registrar’s office to:

          Mercy Health Foundation Southeast

          1849 Broadway

          Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Call 573.519.4920 or email: [email protected] with any questions

For more information on Mercy scholarships, contact Mercy Health Foundation Southeast at 573.519.4920. Deadline for all scholarship applications is May 31st of each year.

Mercy Health Foundation
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